You should! Here’s why.
You pay out HST every day. That’s money out of your pocket. With an HST number you get to claim it all back from the government. Even if it’s more than you took in from sales. It’s like getting a 13% raise and it’s perfectly legal.
Even if your sales are less than $30K per year, you should still have an HST number and receive all its benefits.
No! In our experience, accountants don’t make enough money off of the “Little Guy”. So they don’t spend the time necessary to help you get your taxes done to your best benefit.
We spend a Minimum of one hour with each client to ensure we help you get the Maximum benefit that you deserve.
Absolutely! According to the Canadian Income Tax Act, any income must be reported. We know that independent businesses usually spend more money than they make. The CRA allows you to lose money for two years in a row before you should show a profit. You may apply those losses against your other income and get a refund. After those two years, you'll need to break even or turn a profit.
We use an extensive checklist, devised over many years, to make sure that nothing gets missed.
*Complimentary one hour consult for first-time customers only.
Find out what we can do to take the stress out of your taxes.
© 2019 A Taxing Situation - Canada
All Rights Reserved
phone: (249) 505-0323
email: rob@ataxingsituation.ca
Address: 26 Victoria St W, Alliston, ON L9R 1S8
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